When purchasing an ACON trampoline, you know what you’re getting: the product of decades of R&D and making adjustments where needed. Our trampolines are fully designed, planned and tested in Oulu, Finland. With every part of the process within the same four walls, we’re able to constantly work on improving our designs, through immediate feedback from our customers.
Great designs require top of the line materials to bring them to life. We strive to find the very best materials to ensure flawless experiences and long-life products. If you look closely, you’ll find the combination of great materials and timeless design with every single component.
But it’s not all about individual components. The most important thing about a trampoline is how it bounces, and this comes from how the components work together. Think Coca Cola™ - there’s a number of ingredients that make up the great taste, but there’s just something special when THEY do it. This is what we believe in: we don’t go over the top with the specs of the trampoline, but we make sure that we ensure the best fit. This is what we call Synergy Design.
With our trampoline you get the best bounce, unlimited fun, a safe and long-lasting product for year round use from summer to winter! And no matter, even if a part sometimes breaks, we have spare parts for all our trampolines!
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